Sunday, August 24, 2008

All Things Must Pass

The end of my 2nd weekend is over. Woo. I'm so excited to go back to school. The 3rd week is that magic time when the teachers stop being nice and start cracking their whips. So I'll actually be starting work in every class except AP US History, which started at Day 1. (I've already read through Chapter 5 of our 40 something chapter book in the first two weeks. At this rate, I'll be done with the book before Thanksgiving)

Grandpa says that he used to wish for the 2nd coming to come so that he wouldn't have to go to school anymore. I'd much rather be standing in the middle of a burning Hesperia and having the mountains collapse around us and living through the 3rd World War than go to school anytime, Grandpa.

One of my friends at school is a music nut, just like me. He can talk about music and instruments and any band or artist on the face of the earth. And actually know what he's talking about. All except one thing. He doesn't like The Beatles. Yeah. You can probably tell how a lot of our conversations go.

"The Beatles suck."
"No, they don't."

Days of school left: 167. A whole 10 days down!

And thank you Grandpa for recommending this post's title.


Blogger harwood said...

You're welcome. And thank YOU for the number-of-school-days-left countdown -- it's very comforting, for a man with Ben in his class, to see that number continually diminishing.

August 28, 2008 at 5:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I wish that I started school the same time as you, 'cause then I could follow your count down!

September 1, 2008 at 1:21 PM  

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